You’ve established your company’s expectations for customer service performance, but what is the best way to train employees so the message not only ‘sticks’ but is acted upon? In my years of experience, I have found that bringing in professional training consultant often offers the best value.  The right experts bring a greater breadth of.. read more →

You’re in your favorite jersey, stamping your feet and cheering loudly, that’s great if you’re watching a game or at an outdoor concert.  Not so much if you’re at a wedding or your grandma’s 85th birthday party.  Think about it, how did you learn what is appropriate for each situation?  Some rules were pretty self-explanatory… read more →

Tis the season for lots and lots of college and high school basketball games. Men’s, women’s, boy’s and girl’s games. If you watch any of them, you’ll see action from end to end of the courts.  But you’d also see time-outs and each team huddled on the sideline. Huddles, then action.  Huddles, then action.  Half-time,.. read more →

Throughout the world, when two strangers meet there is always a common emotion that exists in both parties: FEAR.  What does this have to do with your company? When an employee and customer meet for the first time, they share that fear.  In most cases, we’re not talking about sheer terror, but rather a low level.. read more →

The old west movies always seem to have someone sitting in what seems a randomly placed wooden chair, right in front of the general store.  Rocking back and forth, and watching people as they go by and also talking to them as they enter the store. It's actually a smart move. By sitting in front of 'your store' today, you.. read more →