The last few years, there has been a lot of talk about ‘Workplace Happiness’. But I think there is some confusion about exactly what happiness is. Does it mean that you’re going to wake up every day super-pumped up about going into work? Umm…not exactly. Let’s face it there are those days where you wake up late, your cat throws up in your shoes, your boss is in a foul mood, a customer rains on your parade or you’re struggling to stretch your budget until next payday. The truth is it’s not always easy working in the customer service field. But don’t let that stop you from feeling good at both work and home.

The first thing we need to do is break down what is actually meant by ‘happy’. When people think about feeling ‘happy’ it’s usually in extreme. That kind of happiness is like chocolate cake. But if you expect every meal is going to be like chocolate cake you’re going to feel let down. Doctors diagnose feeling really happy all the time as ‘Mania’ – It’s not normal to feel euphoric all the time, it’s a disease. What is normal is to feel delighted about 15% of the time, unhappy about 10% of the time and simply content about 75% of the time – and there is nothing wrong with feeling content.

People today tend to think they can only be happy if everything in their life is ‘right’. They have the perfect job, great relationship, are financially secure and they’re in great physical shape to boot. But how often do all these things occur at once? Do not let life’s bumps in the road stand in the way of your happiness. That being said, here are some stay-happy secrets for those days when your brain could use a serious mood-boost!

Remember that happiness is a choice – Life is how you look at it. People who are pessimistic tend to fixate of upsetting situations. Feeding the negativity monster will leave you feeling emotionally wrought and frustrated. Stop giving power to situations and people who drain your energy. Remember that only you can choose how to feel about something. Do some affirmations in the mirror if you have to. They may be corny – but they are really helpful in reducing stress and can help you make lasting changes..

Be grateful for everyday successes – Make a little time every day to tally up the things that are working in your favor right now and feel satisfied with that.

Make healthy food selections – You don’t have to be a micro-biologist to know having a well-fueled body makes you feel better. Stoke your metabolism with proper nutrients from real, delicious food rather than regularly trying to find nourishment at the food court. Your brain will reward you with neurotransmitters that will help you feel calm, focused and upbeat. Needless to say, your back-side will feel a whole lot perkier too!

Catch some Zzz’s – How many people do you know that wear their exhaustion like a badge of honor? “I was up until 2am finishing my monthly report, bowling or baking cookies” Sleep is critical to the human body. Getting too little sleep affects your mood and increases feelings of unhappiness. When you feel over-tired you are not going to be productive but you will likely be grouchy and short-tempered. I know it’s not sexy, but set a bed-time for yourself and stick to it – even if you have to leave dirty dishes in the sink. You’ll feel better and have more energy – in a word – happy.