20 Jul 2015
July 20, 2015

Stop using these phrases!

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Words are powerful. The words we choose to use have the power to encourage or dishearten, to influence, lift someone up or tear them down, the words you speak express volumes about who you really are. What you say matters! Whether you’re making suggestions to a customer or making an off-the-cuff comment on your lunch.. read more →

Logging in a few extra hours reading about your career field may not rank very high on your priority list, but I’ve found that it has really helped me get ahead in my career and become more engaged in life. While job experience is irreplaceable, hearing the same topics presented in different voices can open.. read more →

06 Jul 2015
July 6, 2015

Creating happy customers

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One thing all really great customer service workers have in common is a sincere customer-friendly attitude. They never forget that keeping customers happy so that they come back to do business with you over and over again is the most important part of their job. People are loyal to other people not brick and mortar.. read more →

29 Jun 2015
June 29, 2015

Move your work-life forward

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When you were in school did anyone ever say you weren’t living up to your potential? Don’t let that statement follow you into adulthood. With a little effort on your part, you could really get noticed and maybe even promoted! You do want to move forward in life don’t you? Showing up to work and.. read more →

22 Jun 2015
June 22, 2015

Make better decisions…Faster

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How do you feel about making decisions at work? Do you: Torture yourself by running disastrous scenarios through your mind over and over again? Put making decisions on the back burner because you just don’t know how you feel about them? Avoid or put off getting back to customers or coworkers when they’ve asked for.. read more →